- Business Education Notices are classified as follows:
- Business Courses
- Executive Development Programs
- International Business Programs (Undergraduate)
- Language and Cultural Studies
- MBA Programs
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Other classifications may be added upon request.
- A logo or graphic image may be included at the same price per KB. E-mail your graphic, in jpg, png or gif format, to logo@interbizforum.com.
- A button can be added to display a feedback form that allows users to give a direct response. Possible applications: requesting more information, registration for an event or course, ordering products and services, membership application, surveys.
- Links to the customer's e-mail address and web site (if available) are included in the price.
- Links may also be added to a Business Directory Entry or Sponsorship area and to an Advertorial in the Business Resources section.
- Notices are placed on separate web pages on our web site on the Internet. You may want to refer to your web page on your letterheads, announcements and print/other media advertisements.
Business Education Notice:
Info | Rate Card | Post Your Notice
Rate Card - Business Education Notice
- Notice up to 5KB (5,120 characters) size: A$20/month.
- Notice larger than 5KB: A$4/KB (or part thereof)/month.
- Identical Notice under more than one classification: 50% of the above rates for each additional classification.
- All prices are in Australian Dollars and are valid until further notice. The US$ exchange rate is approximately A$1.00 = US$ 0.73 and the EUR exchange rate is approximately A$1.00 = EUR 0.63.

Post Your Business Education Notice