- Business Associations Notices are classified as follows:
- Bilateral Business Associations & Chambers of Commerce
- Business & Professional Associations
- Chambers of Commerce & Industry
- Other classifications may be added upon request.
- A logo or graphic image may be included at the same price per KB. E-mail your graphic, in jpg, png or gif format, to logo@interbizforum.com.
- A button can be added to display a feedback form that allows users to give a direct response. Possible applications: requesting more information, registration for an event, submitting papers, membership application, surveys.
- Links to the customer's e-mail address and web site (if available) are included in the price.
- Links may also be added to a Business Directory Entry or Sponsorship area and to an Advertorial in the Business Resources section.
- Notices are placed on separate web pages on our web site on the Internet. You may want to refer to your web page on your business card, letterhead, etc.
Business Associations Notice:
Info | Rate Card | Post Your Notice
Rate Card - Business Associations Notice
- Notice up to 5KB (5,120 characters) size: A$20/month.
- Notice larger than 5KB: A$4/KB (or part thereof)/month.
- Identical Notice under more than one classification: 50% of the above rates for each additional classification.
- All prices are in Australian Dollars and are valid until further notice. The US$ exchange rate is approximately A$1.00 = US$ 0.73 and the EUR exchange rate is approximately A$1.00 = EUR 0.63.

Post Your Business Associations Notice