Agency, Sell in Romania We are a Romanian company of Ploiesti. Our team is young, dynamic and really experienced. We possess the infrastructure necessary to the development of our activity. We are interested in selling your products on the Romanian territory - open representance or Lohn. How much your sell in Romania? We know the Romanian business medium very well, we offer consulting and assistance. We think Romania is a very beautiful country, having wonderful landscape and good people. We are waiting for your response and suggestions. Yours faithfully, Nous sommes une companie roumaine de Ploiesti. Notre equipe est jeune, dynamique et a beaucoup d’experience. Nous avons l’infrastructure necessaire pour le bon deroulement de l’activite. Nous sommes interesses a vendre vos produits sur le teritoire de la Roumanie- representance ou lohn. Nous connaissons tres bien le milieu d’affaire roumain, nous pouvons offrir consultance et soutien. La Roumanie est un beau pays, avec des paysage admirables et des homes hospitaliers. Nous attendons votre reponse et vos suggestions. Avec consideration, SUNTEM O COMPANIE DIN PLOIESTI, ROMÂNIA. ECHIPA NOASTRA ESTE TANARA, DINAMICA SI CU EXPERIENTA. POSEDAM INFRASTRUCTURA NECESARA DESFASURARII ACTIVITATII. SUNTEM INTERESATI SA VINDEM PE TERITORIUL ROMANIEI PRODUSELE DUMNEAVOASTRA- DESCHIDERE REPREZENTANTA SAU LOHN. CUNOASTEM FOARTE BINE MEDIUL DE AFACERI ROMANESC, OFERIM CONSULTANTA SI SUPORT. ROMANIA ESTE O TARA FRUMOASA, CU PEISAJE MINUNATE SI OAMENI BINEVOITORI SI PRIMITORI. ASTEPTAM RASPUNSUL SI SUGESTIILE DUMNEAVOASTRA. CU CONSIDERATIE, |